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Real Name : | Pao Chey. (On the right) |
Alternative Name(s) : | Paisy, Baby, Buber, Sweetie Pie, Sweetness,
Poochie, Poohie, Little darling. |
Breed : | Lhasa Apso. |
Date of Birth : | October 1995. |
Paisy was first introduced to the family at Christmas 1995. She was Mums Christmas present from Dad.
As you can see from the photographs, Pao was a tiny tiny thing at Christmas that year, only 9 weeks old. She was absolutely beautiful, those big beaming eyes following you everywhere you moved, those needle like teeth barely breaking the surface. She was the fairy on the tree for Christmas 1995. The highlight of the household. Pao (not named at this time) was so tiny and delicate, that walking around the house became a hazard, you had to concentrate so much to be sure she wasn't under foot
that people were give the baby sitting role in turn just to enable the rest of us to move about.
So on a diet of boiled rice and egg, she began her life as the Queen of the house, she was given the free run and could do no wrong, she was even aloud to go to the lavatory wherever she wished (her tiddles were only the size of a small coin).
Pao's first major drama occurred during an unsupervised trip in the garden, less than 10 weeks old, no bigger than a grown mans clenched fist, in the depths of the British weather Pao finds the garden pond. PLOP and in she feel right under the water!
It was such a pleasure to have her in the house, she soon began to get bigger, stronger and eating the right kind of foods, she was house trained in a matter of weeks and adored all of us. In the February of that year (1996) at 4 months old, Pao saw her first sight of snow all 2 inches of it on the ground, without a bit of hesitation she was in it rolling around, digging in it and having a ball. Now, many years on she is still the queen of the house, she has a lovely temperament and behaves in fun ways keeping us all amused for hours, because of her size she can make herself heard being a bit yappy at times. She has very little fear of other dogs, cats or even cows, she has been known to frighten us to death when she goes chasing 5 ton dairy cows. She loves to go out for nice long walks but can only manage a max of about 4 miles, anymore than that and she comes begging to be carried. The muddier and dirtier she gets, the more she seems to enjoy herself however, bath and grooming time is not one of her favourites and she loves to annoy all by not eating her food. Her normal tinned meat only has to be down for a few hours before Mum claims she's not eating and that she'll waste away if she's not given a chicken casserole immediately. Pao understands this and as a result ends up with the best menu in the house ?!? Pao continues to keep control of both Jessie and Sam, she will only play with Jess when she wants to and at no other time, she can eat out of Jessie's and Sam's dinner bowl but no-one can go near hers. She can hide her biscuits anywhere in the house and eat them where she pleases, even on the bed ! WHY ??? Because she's the boss !! that's why ! |
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