Tootsie is also a throw out dog, purchased from a rescue home in Haverhill, Suffolk.
Tootsie is also a throw out dog, purchased from a rescue home in Haverhill,
Tootsie weights about 15Kg, she has a nice smooth coat and is also treated like the
queen, she is without doubt the royal lady of the bunch. Tootsie is the one that is
very calm and collective, she looks at the others as though they are fools. If she
doesn't want to play with them she'll just turn her nose up, as if to say "I'm a lady,
I'm above all that fooling around stuff, I'm far to good for playing."
Tootsie can be so quite that on occasions you just have to go check on her to make
sure she's OK it's not unusual to go off on a long drive, stop midway for a quick
break, everyone gets out to stretch there legs , when the journey continues, some
hours later, a quick flush of panic will wash over you because your just not sure if
she got back in. We have even been know to go back in the house leaving her sat
in the car, purely because you just cleanly forgot you took her with you, The only
time she makes her presents known is if somebody comes to the door, she makes
one hell of a noise, the postman is scared and won't come to the door if it's slightly
open, this is how she got her name 'Vicious'. When the mail comes through the
door she grabs it from the guys hand and tears it away. Every bit of mail we have
has teeth makes, but she never really damages any of it. If she sees a cat, she'll
bark and chase it but when she's caught up with it, she'll start wagging her tail and
doesn't know what to do next. She'll give the cat a sniff and encourage it to play.
These days she's also getting good at walking herself, you open the door and off
she'll go, all by herself, not a good idea really, one day the dog warden may pick
her up. The only problem with her really is her fear of loud noises, thunder,
fireworks, gun shots, the oven / microwave timer, electronic games kiddies cap
guns, cars back firing, any form of beeping and banging sends her into a trembling
mess. She'll climb into the bath for protection ??!!?? :) Again like Jessie, she loves
the water and long walks in the country, when we take them on holiday to the
moors she's in her element