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Everything you could ever want to know,
my life, my family, my interests, what I've done,
where I've been, what I do and what I'm going to do!
Age : | Born in 1972. |
Sex : | Male. (Are there females with the name Steve?). |
Location : | Super Sunny Suffolk, in East Anglia, England. |
Family : | My parents (whom share the same birthday) have past thier 35th Wedding Anniversary, My older sister got married recently, two dogs, 'Jessie' a Labrador & Border Collie cross and 'Pao Chey' a Lhasa Apso and finally a cat 'Sam', a little tom cat. The girlfriend also has a dog 'Tootsie' a Collie / Alsatian cross. |
Employment : | Yes, Full Time. |
Education : | Completed school and a few years at college. |
Interests : | Many sports including : Canoeing, Surfing, Wind Surfing, Skiing, Snow Boarding, Paragliding, Mountain Biking, Camping, Walking (the dogs), and generally being outside. |
Driving : | Full Licence plus H.G.V. (This is my current vehicle). |
Places I've visited : | Australia, Austria, Czech Republic, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece ~ Corfu, Hawaii, Holland , Indonesia ~ Bali, Italy, Los Angeles, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain & it's islands, Switzerland and Thailand Click here to take a look at my travel pages. This page includes a number of my personal travel reports. |
Places I would like to visit : | Far to many to list, Nearly all that you see on 'wish you were here'.
Altough I've had a good attempt at seeing some of the world already. |
Ambition : | To invent something that the public wants and make me enough money so I could spend the rest of my days travelling around the world. |
What would I do if I had
As already mentioned, spend the rest of my days travelling to see as much of the world as I possibly could, I would do a month or so skiing, many months in hotter climates and I would also take up skydiving/skysurfing, more paragliding and trying all those wired and way out scary sports. |
Essentially Leather ~ Fine English Reproduction Furniture Manufacture.
Why ? Because it was the first page I ever wrote,
my Mum part owns the company!
Email me at:
[email protected]
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